On a morning in late March [marzo] Pierino wakes up [si sveglia] in an unfamiliar [sconosciuto] room. Into his room enters a doctor [medico].
Pierino: where am I [dove sono io]?
Medico: Pierino you are in the hospital [ospedale].
Pierino: What happened [che sucesso]???!
Medico: You had a fall and injured your head and ribs. You have stitches [punti] and staples [punti metallici] in your head. Also you had cracked ribs [costole] and a punctured lung [pulmone sconfiemento].
Pierino: Aoh!
Could you please have the nurse [l'infermeria] bring me a coffee?
Medico: Sorry, not possible [mi dispiace non possibile].
Pierino: Why not [perche no]?
Medico: No caffinated beverages.
Pierino: Mortacci tua! E perche?
Medico: Because this is an American hospital [ospedale americano].
Pierino: Boh! Any other news [c'e altra notizia]?
Medico: Si. Roma ha perso a Manchester UTD 0-2.
Grida Pierino: NOOOOOO!!!!!